3.8.1 Override Template
You can override plugin template by way copy all file and folder from plugins/iwjob/templates to themes/injob/iwjob
3.8.2 Create new payment gateway
entirely possible. I will detail the instructions in later versions
3.8.3 Create new apply method
entirely possible. I will detail the instructions in later versions
3.8.4 Create new social login
entirely possible. I will detail the instructions in later versions
To create a custom field, please active the child theme and add the following code in function.php file
3.8.5 Create custom fields
1.Create a custom field for job
Please active child theme and add these following code to function.php file
- To create a field at front-end
add_action('iwj_job_form_after_general',function ($job){ $post_id = $job ? $job->get_id() : ''; ?> <h3><?php echo __('Custom Fields', 'iwjob'); ?></h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php iwj_field_text( '_my_custom_field', '', false, $post_id, null, '', '', __( 'Enter custom field value', 'iwjob' ) ); ?> </div> </div> <?php });
After doing all steps above, here is your screen:
To create field at back-end
add_action('iwj_admin_job_form_after_general',function ($post_id){ ?> <h3><?php echo __('Custom Fields', 'iwjob'); ?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <?php iwj_field_text( '_my_custom_field', __( 'Custom Field', 'iwjob' ), false, $post_id, null, '', '', __( 'Enter custom field value', 'iwjob' ) ); ?> </table> <?php });
And this is your screen after followed those above steps:
Save the valued custom field in database
function save_job_123456($post_id){ if($post_id && get_post_type($post_id) == 'iwj_job'){ $custom_field_value = sanitize_text_field($_POST['_my_custom_field']); update_post_meta($post_id, '_my_custom_field', $custom_field_value); } }
add_action('save_post', 'save_job_123456', 99);
If you are using version 2.8.0 or higher, add this line
add_action('iwj_add_new_job', 'save_job_123456', 99);
All above code you can see as in this image:
- Some Hooks for job
+ iwj_job_form_before + iwj_job_form_after_general + iwj_job_form_after_application + iwj_job_form_after_skill_requirements + iwj_job_form_after_map + iwj_new_job_form_after + iwj_admin_job_form_after_general + iwj_admin_job_form_after_salary + iwj_admin_job_form_after_location
2.Create custom field for employer
Create a field at frontend
add_action('iwj_employer_form_after_general',function ($job){ $post_id = $job ? $job->get_id() : ''; ?> <h3><?php echo __('Custom Fields', 'iwjob'); ?></h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php iwj_field_text( '_my_custom_field', '', false, $post_id, null, '', '', __( 'Enter custom field value', 'iwjob' ) ); ?> </div> </div> <?php });
add_action('iwj_admin_employer_form_after_general',function ($post_id){ ?> <h3><?php echo __('Custom Fields', 'iwjob'); ?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <?php iwj_field_text( '_my_custom_field', __( 'Custom Field', 'iwjob' ), false, $post_id, null, '', '', __( 'Enter custom field value', 'iwjob' ) ); ?> </table> <?php });
Save the value custom field in database
add_action('save_post', function($post_id){ if($post_id && get_post_type($post_id) == 'iwj_employer'){ $custom_field_value = sanitize_text_field($_POST['_my_custom_field']); update_post_meta($post_id, '_my_custom_field', $custom_field_value); } }, 99);
Some Hooks for employer
iwj_before_employer_form + iwj_employer_form_after_general + iwj_employer_form_after_preferences + iwj_employer_form_after_map + iwj_employer_form_after_video + iwj_employer_form_after_gallery + iwj_employer_form_after_socials + iwj_after_employer_form + iwj_admin_employer_form_after_general + iwj_admin_employer_form_after_video + iwj_admin_employer_form_after_gallery + iwj_admin_employer_form_after_socials + iwj_admin_employer_form_after_map
3. Create custom field for candidate
Create a field at frontend
add_action('iwj_candidate_form_after_general',function ($job){ $post_id = $job ? $job->get_id() : ''; ?> <h3><?php echo __('Custom Fields', 'iwjob'); ?></h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php iwj_field_text( '_my_custom_field', '', false, $post_id, null, '', '', __( 'Enter custom field value', 'iwjob' ) ); ?> </div> </div> <?php });
Create a field at backend
add_action('iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_general',function ($post_id){ ?> <h3><?php echo __('Custom Fields', 'iwjob'); ?></h3> <table class="form-table"> <?php iwj_field_text( '_my_custom_field', __( 'Custom Field', 'iwjob' ), false, $post_id, null, '', '', __( 'Enter custom field value', 'iwjob' ) ); ?> </table> <?php });
Save the value custom field in database
add_action('save_post', function($post_id){ if($post_id && get_post_type($post_id) == 'iwj_candidate'){ $custom_field_value = sanitize_text_field($_POST['_my_custom_field']); update_post_meta($post_id, '_my_custom_field', $custom_field_value); } }, 99);
Some Hooks for candidate
+ iwj_before_candidate_form + iwj_candidate_form_after_general + iwj_candidate_form_after_cv_cover_letter + iwj_candidate_form_after_preferences + iwj_candidate_form_after_educations + iwj_candidate_form_after_experiences + iwj_candidate_form_after_skills + iwj_candidate_form_after_honors_awards + iwj_candidate_form_after_gallery + iwj_candidate_form_after_socials + iwj_after_candidate_form + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_general + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_educations + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_experiences + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_skills + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_honors_awards + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_gallery + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_video + iwj_admin_candidate_form_after_socials
4.Add your currency
From version 2.8.0 on, you can add currency field to your site by following this construction code
add_filter('iwj_currencies', function ($currencies){ $currencies['BGN'] = array( 'code' => 'BGN', 'title' => 'Bungari', 'symbol' => 'лв', 'precision' => 0, 'thousandSeparator' => '.', 'decimalSeparator' => '', 'symbolPlacement' => 'after' ); return $currencies; });
5. Create dashboard menu
NOTE: For Injob 2.8.0 or higher version
Insert Custom menu into Applications menu
add_filter('iwj_get_dashboard_menus', function($menus, $show_on_position){ /*$show_on_position = 1 on dashboard $show_on_position = 2 on the mobile screen of dashboard $show_on_position = 3 on topbar menu*/ $keys = array_keys($menus); $vals = array_values($menus); //insert after applications $insertAfter = array_search('applications', $keys) + 1; $keys2 = array_splice($keys, $insertAfter); $vals2 = array_splice($vals, $insertAfter); //new menu key $keys[] = "custom-menu"; //new menu $dashboard_url = iwj_get_page_permalink( 'dashboard' ); $vals[] = array( 'url' => add_query_arg(array('iwj_tab' => 'custom-menu'), $dashboard_url), 'title' => ''.__('Custom Menu', 'iwjob') ); $new_menus = array_merge(array_combine($keys, $vals), array_combine($keys2, $vals2)); return $new_menus; }, 10, 2);
Your dashboard menu is created
6. Create custom dashboard content
When you click to Custom Menu which has been shown in the part No. 6 (How to create a new dashboard menu)
To import content on this page, please follow the instruction below:
add_filter('iwj_dashboard_content', function ($content, $current_tab){ if($current_tab == 'custom-menu'){ $content = '<h1>Content for custom page</h1>'; } return $content; }, 10, 2);
Now, you can see how it is
7. Create custom field search
To create a custom field search in Injob 2.8.0 or higher, please doing the following code steps.
add_action('iwj_before_widget_job_filter', function ($args, $instance, $parent){ ?> <aside class="widget sidebar-jobs-item"> <h3 class="widget-title"><span><?php echo __('Custom Fields Filter', 'iwjob'); ?></span></h3> <div class="job-categories sidebar-job-1"> <input type="text" name="_my_custom_field" id="_my_custom_field" value=""> </div> </aside> <?php }, 10, 3); add_filter('iwj_hook_args_query_listing_job', function ($args){ if(isset($_REQUEST['_my_custom_field']) && $_REQUEST['_my_custom_field']){ if(!isset($args['meta_query'])){ $args['meta_query'] = array('relation' => 'AND'); } $args['meta_query'][] = array( 'key' => '_my_custom_field', 'value' => sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['_my_custom_field']), 'compare' => 'LIKE', ); } return $args; }); //override function if exists if(typeof window.iwj_filter_jobs_data === 'function'){ window._iwj_filter_jobs_data = window.iwj_filter_jobs_data; window.iwj_filter_jobs_data = function (data) { data = window._iwj_filter_jobs_data(data); data._my_custom_field = jQuery('#_my_custom_field').val(); return data; } //create new function }else{ window.iwj_filter_jobs_data = function(data){ data._my_custom_field = jQuery('#_my_custom_field').val(); return data; }; } jQuery('document').ready(function ($) { var timer, delay = 500; $('#_my_custom_field').on('keydown blur change', function(e) { var _this = $(this); clearTimeout(timer); timer = setTimeout(function() { iwj_filter_job.filter_and_count_jobs(1); }, delay ); }); }); 7. Custom the date format
(Apply for Injob 2.9.1 or higher)
add_filter('iwj_date_options', function($options) { $options = array( 'dayOfWeekStart' => 1, //for monday 'lang'=>'ru', 'format'=> get_option('date_format') ); return $options; });
For your references
8. Custom the date time
add_filter('iwj_datetime_options', function($options) { $options = array( 'dayOfWeekStart' => 1, //for monday 'lang'=>'ru', 'format'=> get_option('date_format') ); return $options; });