- Show demo setting panel: Check this box to active the setting panel. This panel should be shown only in demo mode;
- Show page heading: Check this box to show or hide page heading;
- Hide Visual Composer background image on Mobile: Check to hide the background image.
- Include WooCommerce libraries globally: Load WooCommerce styles and scripts on all pages
- Layout: Select boxed or wide layout;
- Sidebar position: Used for all non-configurable pages. Ex: taxonomy
- Sidebar name: Select sidebar
- Sticky sidebar: Yes – No
- Container width: Bootstrap container width in pixel
- Gutters width: Bootstrap gutters width in pixel
- Elements gutters width: Element gutters width in pixel. will be used in shortcodes
- Background Image: Working Only boxed mode. Choose an image or insert an image URL to use for the background;
- Background Size: Choose Background size;
- Background Repeat: Choose how the background image repeats;