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Knowledge Base
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2. External plugins
Reality Properties Theme
1. Installation & Upgrade
1.1 Before you start
1.2. Theme package
1.3. Requirements for Reality theme
1.4. Theme Installation
1.5 Theme Upgrade
2. External plugins
2.1 General information
2.2 Included plugins
2.3 Installation
2.5 Activation and Purchase Codes
3. Reality Plugins
3.1 Manage Properties
3.2 Manage Property Metabox
3.3 Manage Agencies
3.4 Manage Agents
3.5 Packages
3.6 Settings
3.7 How to use Packages, add Property
4. Reality Plugin Settings
4.1 Settings > Pages & Slugs
4.2 Settings > Property Settings
4.3 Settings > Fields
4.4 Settings > Search
4.5 Settings > Display Settings
4.6 Settings > Price Settings
4.7 Settings > Email Settings
4.8 Settings > Social Logins
4.9 Settings > Payment Gateways
5. Widgets
6. Shortcode
6.1 Reality Theme Shortcodes
6.2 Property Plugin Shortcodes
5. Reality Theme Options
6. Demo Data Installation
7. How to translate
8. Child Theme
9. Frequently asked questions
10. Additional questions & support
11. How to setup W3 Total Cache & Auto - optimize cache?
12. Video Guide
2. External plugins
Doc navigation
← 1. Installation & Upgrade
3. Reality Plugins →